If an Item is Found or Not


The "If an Item is Found or Not" action is used to evaluate conditions before performing specific actions on a webpage. It ensures that appropriate actions are taken based on element availability, logs relevant information, and validates partial text. This improves automation reliability by preventing unneccesary actions or errors.


Scenario 1#


Click an Element Only If It Exists
Test case link: TEST-11442 If the element is found or not

Scenario Overview:#

A user navigates to a webpage where an element may or may not be present. The action checks for the element's presence before attempting to click it, ensuring smooth execution.

Steps to Follow:#

  1. Open the target webpage.
  2. Use a stable locator to check if the target element exists.
  3. Use the "If Else Condition Handling" action to determine the next step:
    • If: If the element with the given locator is found, execute the actions specified on the right (action numbers) or pass/fail the step.
    • Else: Otherwise, execute another set of actions or pass/fail the step.


idelement parameterbutton1
trueselenium conditional action2
falseselenium conditional actionfail
idelement parameterbutton2
clickselenium actionclick

Expected Result:#

  • The element is clicked only if it is present and visible.
  • Relevant log messages are generated to provide clear and meaningful information.

Common Errors and Fixes:#

  • Error: Clicking fails due to an absent element.
    • Fix: Ensure the condition check is performed before attempting to click.