How to create Templates

Template Feature Documentation#


The Template Feature is a powerful tool within our platform that enables users to create and manage customized roadmaps of training for newcomers. These roadmaps, referred to as Templates, consist of series of tasks, each with detailed instructions, designed to guide new team members through various onboarding activities, such as exploring ZeuZ or creating test cases. Templates help ensure a standerdized and efficient onboarding process.

Key Features#

  1. Template Creation: Users with appropriate permissions can create Templates for different roles or departments. Templates are created by specifying a series of tasks and providing detailed descriptions for each task.

  2. Task Management: Within a Template, users can add, edit, or delete individual tasks. Tasks may include instructions, links to resources, and deadlines to help newcomers understand and complete their responsibilities.

  3. Assignment: Templates can be assigned to specific users, ensuring that each new team member receives a tailored roadmap for their role. When a Template is assigned, all tasks within that Template are copied and assigned to the selected user.

  4. Customization: Templates are highly customizable. Users can create Templates for various roles or departments, and Templates can be modified as needed to adapt to changing requirements or processes.

  5. Progress Tracking: Users can monitor the progress of individuals assigned to Templates, helping to ensure that newcomers are following the prescribed roadmap and completing tasks in a timely manner.

Best Practices#

  • Clear Instructions: When creating tasks within a Template, provide clear and concise instructions to ensure that newcomers understand their responsibilities.

  • Regular Updates: Periodically review and update templates to reflect changes in processes or requirements.

  • Feedback: Encourage newcomers to provide feedback on the onboarding process and Template content to continuosly improve the onboarding experience.

  • Consistency: Standardize Templates for specific roles or departments to maintain consistency in onboarding procedures.


The Template Feature streamlines the onboarding process by providing a structured and customizable roadmap for newcomers. By creating and assigning Templates, organizations can ensure that new team members receive the guidance and resources they need to become productive and successful contributors.


  1. From the Menu bar, go to the Project then Template option.

  1. Go to the Template page.
  2. Click on the + NEW TEMPLATE button.

  1. Enter the Template Name.
  2. Click on the CREATE button.