Navigate - Refresh
PurposeThis action simulates the browser's refresh button, allowing the current page to reload. It is equivalent to pressing the refresh button in the browser, which is useful for updating or reloading page content.
Scenario 1#
Title:Refresh the current page
Test case link: TEST-8002 Refresh the Page
Scenario Overview:A user is interacting with a webpage that displays dynamic content and needs to reload the page to update its content. This scenario demonstrates using the 'Navigate - Refresh' action to perform this operation.
Steps to Follow:- Open a webpage with either dynamic or static content.
- Use the 'Navigate - Refresh' action to reload the current page.
- Verify that the page reloads successfully.
Actions:- Input parameters:
- Field:
- Selenium action:
- Field:
Expected Result:- The browser reloads the current page, and the content is updated.
Common Errors and Fixes:- Error: The page fails to reload.
- Fix: Ensure the browser is not in a state that prevents reloading, such as due to an unresponsive script or blocked network request.
Scenario 2#
Title:Refresh a page that has unsaved changes
Test case link: TEST-8002 Refresh the Page
Scenario Overview:A user has unsaved changes on a webpage and attempts to reload the page. This scenario demonstrates the behavior when the 'Navigate - Refresh' action is performed in such cases.
Steps to Follow:- Open a webpage containing a form or editable fields.
- Make changes to the form without saving them.
- Use the 'Navigate - Refresh' action to reload the page.
- Verify that the browser prompts for unsaved changes (if applicable).
Actions:- Input parameters:
- Field:
- Selenium action:
- Field:
Expected Result:- The browser reloads the page and may prompt about unsaved changes, depending on the webpage's implementation.
Common Errors and Fixes:- Error: Unsaved changes are lost without any warning.
- Fix: Confirm the webpage's behavior before performing the refresh action to prevent loss of data.
Test Cases#
Test case for Scenario 1#
Objective:Ensure that reloading the current page works correctly.
Steps to perform:- Open a browser and visit a webpage.
- Use the action with inputs:
- Field:
- Selenium action:
- Field:
- Verify that the page reloads successfully.
Expected Outcome:- The browser reloads the current page.
Test Case for Scenario 2#
Objective:Ensure that reloading a page with unsaved changes prompts a warning, if applicable.
Steps to Perform:- Open a browser and navigate to a webpage containing a form.
- Enter data into the form without saving it.
- Use the action with inputs:
- Field:
- Selenium action:
- Field:
- Verify that the browser reloads the page and prompts for unsaved changes, if applicable.
Expected Outcome:- The page reloads, and a prompt for unsaved changes appears if supported.
Additional Tips for this Action- Use this action to reload pages with dynamic content to ensure the updates are reflected.
- Verify the webpage's behavior with unsaved changes to prevent data loss.
Error Handling for Navigate - Refresh#
Common Problems and Their FixesProblem: The page fails to reload.
Possible Cause: The browser is unresponsive, or network issues have occurred.
How to Fix: Ensure the browser is responsive and the network connection is stable.Problem: Data loss occurs when the page is refreshed.
Possible Cause: The webpage does not display a prompt for unsaved changes.
How to Fix: Test the webpage's behavior to ensure it handles unsaved changes before performing the refresh action.Problem: Browser settings prevent the refresh action from being executed.
Possible Cause: Certain browser extensions or settings may prevent the refresh action from being executed.
How to Fix: Disable conflicting extensions or adjust browser settings to enable the refresh action.