Examples of OpenAI action

This action enables the extraction of text or strings from images. By default, the output is returned in JSON format. It is possible to customize the prompt and specify the desired output format. Additionally, if needed, the exact text can be extracted as plain text.

How will the action be performed?#


Enter your output format. It can be json, list, csv, html. Examples:

“exact text” or { "key": "value", "key": "value", "items": [ { "key": "value", "key": "value" } ] }

imageinput parameter***Path to the image file. Examples: "E:\user\files\Sample.jpg" or %|Sample.jpg|%
promptoptional parameter***Enter your prompt***
output formatoptional parameter
extract image to datautility action***The variable name that will store the extracted strings. By default the output will be a JSON format.***

Default Format Scenario#

If no prompt or output format is specified, the data will be returned in JSON format.


imageinput parameter"E:\user\files\Sample.jpg"
extract image to datautility actionmy_text

Output will be in this JSON structure:

"extracted_text": {
"full_text": "Full text extracted from the document.",
"fields": {
"document_title": "Document title or header, if available.",
"document_body": "Document body, if available.",
"company_details": {
"name": "Company name, if present.",
"address": "Company address, if present.",
"contact": {
"phone": "Company phone number, if present.",
"email": "Company email, if present.",
"website": "Company website, if present."
"customer_details": {
"name": "Customer name, if present.",
"address": "Customer address, if present.",
"contact": {
"phone": "Customer phone number, if present.",
"email": "Customer email, if present.",
"website": "Customer website, if present."
"identifiers": {
"id_number": "Unique identifier such as license, account, or ID number.",
"invoice_number": "Invoice number, if applicable.",
"tax_id": "Tax or VAT ID, if applicable."
"dates": {
"issue_date": "Document issue date, if applicable.",
"expiry_date": "Document expiry date, if applicable."
"financial_data": {
"total_amount": "Total monetary amount, if present.",
"written_amount": "Total written monetary amount, if present.",
"currency": "Currency of the total amount."
"custom_fields": {
"field_1": "Custom field for any additional information.",
"field_2": "Another custom field."
"table_data": [
"row_id": 1,
"cells": [
"Column 1 data",
"Column 2 data",
"Column 3 data"
"row_id": 2,
"cells": [
"Row 2 Column 1 data",
"Row 2 Column 2 data",
"Row 2 Column 3 data"




"full_text": "Loren Ipsum is simply dummy text
of the printing and typesetting industry. Loren
Ipsum has\nbeen the industry's standard dummy
text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown
printer took a \n\nPURA PURA 08/15/2024\n",
"title": "Loren Ipsum is simply dummy text
of the printing and typesetting industry.",
"issue_date": "08/15/2024"
"field_1": "PURA PURA"

Another example related to Invoice/Bill:#



"full_text": "Invoice/Bill\nMOB:
and MOVERS\nL-39, Kirti Nagar,
Block-L, Kirti Nagar, New Delhi-110015\nWebsite:
GST NO: 07EKYPK0645H1ZP\nBill No.: 4524
Date: 24/05/24\nM/s.: Suraj Singh\nKirti Nagar,
New Delhi To Kolkata (WB)
\nPARTICULARS\nTransport Charge: 32,000\nPacking Charge:7,000\nLoading: 4,000\nUnloading:
4,000\nOther Charge: \nST Charge: \nInsurance:
\nGreen tax: \nGST: \nRupees in Words: Forty Seven Thousand Only\nTotal: 47,000\nCertified that the
particular given above are true and correct\nTerms
& Conditions:\n1) Expense & GST will be given by
the party if party cancels the order.\n2) Full
payment before departure of vehicle.\n3) All
disputes are subject to Pune jurisdiction only.",
"document_title": "Invoice/Bill",
"name": "Mint Relocation Packers and Movers",
"address": "L-39, Kirti Nagar, Block-L, Kirti Nagar, New Delhi-110015",
"phone": "9643340071",
"email": "relocationcompanyindia@gmail.com",
"website": "www.mintrelocationpackers.in"
"name": "Suraj Singh",
"address": "Kirti Nagar, New Delhi To Kolkata (WB)",
"phone": null,
"email": null,
"website": null
"id_number": null,
"invoice_number": "4524",
"tax_id": "07EKYPK0645H1ZP"
"issue_date": "2024-05-24",
"expiry_date": null
"total_amount": "47,000",
"written_amount": "Forty Seven Thousand Only",
"currency": "INR"
"field_1": null,
"field_2": null
"row_id": 1,
"cells": ["Transport Charge", "", "32,000"]
"row_id": 2,
"cells":["Packing Charge", "", "7,000"]
"row_id": 3,
"cells":["Loading", "", "4,000"]
"row_id": 4,
"cells":["Unloading", "", "4,000"]

For Extracting Exact Text Scenario#

To extract exact text from an image, specify "exact text" in the output format, and it will be returned as plain text. Additionally, the output will be saved into the specified variable, which can later be used as a Python variable.

The prompt we use

"Extract the text from the given image as accurately as possible, including all words, punctuation, and formatting. Ensure that no text is omitted or altered during the extraction process. Return the data in plain text."


imageinput parameter"E:\user\files\Sample.jpg"
output formatoptional parameterexact text
extract image to datautility actionmy_text

Example 1:#



Example 2:#



User's Custom Prompt and Output Format Scenario#

In this action, users can define their prompt, output format or both. The output will be generated according to the user's instructions.


Output format can be JSON, LIST, HTML, CSV.

1. If the user specifies only the prompt, the output will be generated based on the given prompt.


imageinput parameter"E:\users\files\Invoice.jpg"
promptOptional parameterReturn only Total price
extract image to datautility actionmy_text

Example 1:#



my_text = "$154.06"


imageinput parameter"E:\user\files\card.jpg"
promptOptional parameterReturn only id and name in html format.
extract image to datautility actionmy_text

Example 2:#



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport"
content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Driver License Info</title>
<p>ID: 123456789-005</p>
<p>Name: Name Surname</p>

2. If the user specifies only the output format, the default prompt will be used, and the output format will follow the user-defined format. Output format can be JSON, LIST, HTML, CSV.

Default Prompt: The system is a highly accurate text extraction tool designed to process images and extract textual content. Its primary goal is to extract the text exactly as it appears in the image, including symbols, numbers, and special characters, without interpreting or altering its meaning. The output ensures the original order is preserved and includes all text without modifications or exclusions. When metadata such as dates, amounts, or specific fields is clearly identifiable, the extracted data is structured into nested JSON objects.

Data Table:

Row 1:

Parameter: image
Type: input parameter
Value: "E:\user\files\Invoice.jpg"

Row 2:

Parameter: output format
Type: Optional parameter

"document_title": "value",
"name": "value",
"address": "value"
"name": "value",
"address": "value"
"invoice_number": "value",
"po_number": "value",
"issue_date": "value",
"due_date": "value"
"QTY": "value",
"DESCRIPTION": "value",
"UNIT PRICE": "value",
"AMOUNT": "value",
"QTY": "value",
"DESCRIPTION": "value",
"UNIT PRICE": "value",
"AMOUNT": "value",
"Total info":{
"Sub total": "value",
"tax": "value",
"Total": "value",

Row 3:

Parameter: extract image to data
Type: utility action
Value: my_text

Example 1:#



"document_title": "INVOICE",
"name": "East Repair Inc.",
"address": "1912 Harvest Lane\nNew York, NY 12210"
"name": "John Smith",
"address": "2 Court Square\nNew York, NY 12210"
"invoice_number": "US-001",
"po_number": "2312/2019",
"issue_date": "11/02/2019",
"due_date": "26/02/2019"
"QTY": "1",
"DESCRIPTION": "Front and rear brake cables",
"UNIT PRICE": "100.00",
"AMOUNT": "100.00"
"QTY": "2",
"DESCRIPTION": "New set of pedal arms",
"UNIT PRICE": "15.00",
"AMOUNT": "30.00"
"QTY": "3",
"DESCRIPTION": "Labor 3hrs",
"UNIT PRICE": "5.00",
"AMOUNT": "15.00"
"Total info":{
"Sub total": "145.00",
"tax": "9.06",
"Total": "$154.06"


imageinput parameter"E:\user\files\card.jpg"
output formatOptional parameter[id, name, iss date, exp date]
extract image to datautility actionmy_text

Example 2:#



my_text = ["123456789-005", "NAME SURNAME", "12.03.2012", "12.08.2020"]

3. If the user specifies both the prompt and the output format, the output will be generated based on the given prompt and format.

Data Table:

Row 1:

Parameter: image
Type: input parameter
Value: "E:\user\files\card.jpg"

Row 2:

Parameter: prompt
Type: Optional parameter
Value: Extract text from the image.

Row 3:

Parameter: output format
Type: Optional parameter

<th>Issue date</th>
<th>Exp date</th>

Row 4:

Parameter: extract image to data
Type: utility action
Value: my_text

Example 1:#



my_text = <h2>Driver License</h2>
<th>Issue date</th>
<th>Exp date</th>
<td>Name Surname</td>


imageinput parameter"E:\user\files\invoice.jpg"
promptOptional parameterReturn only total information.
output formatOptional parameter["text1", "text2"]
extract image to datautility actionmy_text

Example 2:#



my_text = = [