Go to Webpage


The "Go to Webpage" action enables users to open a specified browser and navigate to a given URL. This action accepts the URL, configures the browser's capabilities (such as version or platform), and loads the webpage. Additionally, it includes a default wait time of 10 seconds to allow elements on the page to load, ensuring smooth automation throughout the test case.


Scenario 1#


Navigate to a Homepage Using a URL
Test case link: TEST-11416 Navigate to a homepage using a URL

Scenario Overview:#

Imagine a user who wants to visit the homepage of an e-commerce website to start shopping. This scenario demonstrates how to use the "Go to Webpage" action to launch a browser, navigate to a specific URL, and load the website's homepage.

Steps to Follow:#

  1. Use the "Go to Link" action with the homepage URL.
  2. Wait for the homepage to load completely.
  3. Verify that the homepage is displayed correctly.


wait time to appear elementoptional parameter10
go to linkselenium actionhttps://demo.zeuz.ai/web/level/one/scenerios/login

Expected Result:#

  • The browser opens and navigates to the specified URL without errors.
  • The homepage loads successfully, and elements such as the website logo and main menu are visible.

Common Errors and Fixes:#

  • Error: The webpage fails to load.
    • Fix: Ensure that the URL is correct and the browser has a stable internet connection.
  • Error: The elements on the page are not loading.
    • Fix: Verify that the browser capabilities are correctly set, and increase the timeout if needed.