ZeuZ Node Setup

This document walks you through the setup process of ZeuZ Node. We've tried to make sure that as many of the steps of the setup process are automated, so that you don't have to go and manually figure things out. However, due to differences in how different machines are set up, the automated process sometimes may not work out 100% correctly. Specially, setting different PATH variables for moving components required by ZeuZ Node.

Video instructions#

Core setup#

At the start of core setup you have to setup python on your machine. Please download and install the latest Python 3.x version available from python.org. You can download the last tested (by ZeuZ team) Python version from this link.


ZeuZ Node requires Python 3 to run.

Python Setup#

When installing on Windows, please check that Add Python 3.x to PATH checkbox is selected. Also make it sure that previous checkbox of Install launcher for all users is not selected.


Run the following commands to install python3 and pip3.

$ sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip --yes

To make python3 the default python version, run:

$ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3 10

Linux setup is officially supported for Ubuntu only. Due to the huge variety of package managers, file system hierarchies and unknown dependencies available on each platform, it is difficult to support all of them. However, it has been tested to run on many other linux distributions (Arch Linux, Debian, Linux Mint, Fedora, etc.) if the required packages are installed.

Mac OS X#

For OS X, download python 3.x from python.org and install.

Verify python setup#

After the installation is complete, open Powershell/CMD from Start menu (on Windows), Terminal (on Mac and Linux), then run the following command to verify that the installation is successful.

$ python --version
$ pip --version

These should print Python 3.x as output where x is the version that you downloaded. Also, if you're on Windows make sure that its the 32-bit version.

Core setup & node launch#

The core setup is for installing ZeuZ Node and some core automation components. The core setup is the same for all platforms and is less likely to fail. The following is a non-exhaustive list of components that are installed:

  • Web/Browser automation
  • Cross-platform GUI automation
  • REST/API automation
  • Database automation
  • Excel automation
  • [Windows only] Windows automation
  • Misc. other automation components
    • Common actions (variables, loops, conditions, etc.)
    • Files/Folder actions
    • Screenshot utilities
    • etc.

To start the setup, open the ZeuZ_Python_Node folder. Double click to run the node_cli.py file which will automatically launch the node & start core setup. For Mac/Linux, launch the terminal and navigate to the directory where the node_cli.py file is present and then launch it. As an example, if you've downloaded the ZeuZ_Python_Node folder in your Downloads folder and extracted it there, start the setup by running the following commands:

$ cd ~/Downloads/ZeuZ_Python_Node/
$ python node_cli.py

Mobile setup#

Android setup#

Android automation is supported on all three of the platforms - Windows, Mac and Linux.


  1. Download Android Studio
  2. Install Android Studio
  3. Launch Android Studio which will prompt you to download Android SDK and an Android emulator image. Download them.
  4. Setup the ANDROID_HOME environment variable according to your Android SDK install directory. If you're confused, try going through this article.

Automation setup#

To start the android setup, run the ZeuZ_Node_Installer.py file. Double click to open the file on Windows. For Mac/Linux, launch the terminal and navigate to the directory where the Zeuz Node installer file is present and then launch it. As an example, if you've downloaded the ZeuZ_Python_Node_Setup.zip file in your Downloads folder and extracted it there, start the installer by running the following commands:

$ cd ~/Downloads/ZeuZ_Python_Node_Setup/
$ python ZeuZ_Node_Installer.py

As the Core setup and Android SDK setup have already been completed on your machine,only select Android setup and then click on Install.

iOS setup#

iOS automation is only available on Mac OS X.


You'll need to install Xcode from the App Store. Next, a simulator is needed for testing the applications, which you can install/access via Xcode.

Automation setup#

Once done with the pre-requisites, uncheck all the checkboxes and select iOS Setup only. Then click on Install.

Virtual Environment Setup (Advanced)#

You can also install use ZeuZ Node by setting up a Python virtual enviornment. Doing so requires manually installing the python modules required for ZeuZ Node to run.


$ cd /path/to/ZeuZ_Python_Node
$ python3 -m venv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements-linux.txt


$ cd /path/to/ZeuZ_Python_Node
$ python3 -m venv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements-mac.txt


> cd /path/to/ZeuZ_Python_Node
> python3 -m venv .venv
> .venv/Scripts/activate
> pip install -r requirements-win.txt