Extract Table Data


This action extracts data from an HTML table element, which includes tags such as <table>, <tbody>, <tr>, and <td>. The data is captured in a structured format as a list of lists, where each inner list represents a row in the table. This approach facilitates the organized and programmatic processing of table data.


Scenario 1#


Extract all data from the table
Test case link: TEST-7993 Extract all data from the table

Scenario Overview:#

A user needs to extract all data from a table on a webpage. This scenario demonstrates how to capture the entire table's content in a structured format as a list of lists, where each inner list represents a row of the table.

Steps to Follow:#

  1. Open a webpage that contains a table.
  2. Identify the <table> element on the webpage.
  3. Use the "Extract Table Data" action to capture the entire table.
  4. Verify that the table's data is correctly stored as a list of lists.


tagelement parametertbody
columnoptional parameter5:10
rowoptional parameter5:10
extract table dataselenium actionvariable_name
  • However, column and row attributes can also be used as optional parameters if necessary.

Expected Result:#

-The entire table's data is extracted and stored in a structured format as a list of lists, where each inner list represents a row from the table.

Common Errors and Fixes:#

  • Error: The table data is not captured.
    • Fix: Ensure that the correct table element (e.g., tag, class, or id) is specified and that the table is not hidden.

Scenario 2#


Extract specific columns from the table
Test case link:[TEST-8041 Extract specific columns from the table]

Scenario Overview:#

A user wants to extract only certain columns from a table. This scenario demonstrates how to extract specific columns by specifying their indices.

Steps to Follow:#

  1. Open a webpage that contains a table.
  2. Identify the <table> element on the webpage.
  3. Use the "Extract Table Data" action to specify the columns (e.g., columns 0 to 5).
  4. Verify that the specified columns are correctly extracted from the table and stored in the desired format.


tagelement parametertbody
columnoptional parameter0:5
extract table dataselenium actionvariable_name

Expected Result:#

  • Only the data from columns 0 to 5 is extracted, with each row containing data from the selected columns.

Common Errors and Fixes:#

  • Error: The specified columns are not extracted.
    • Fix: Double-check the column indices and ensure that the data exists within the specified range.

Test Cases#

Test Case for Scenario 1#


Ensure that all data from the table is extracted correctly.

Steps to Perform:#

  1. Open a webpage that contains a table.
  2. Use the action with inputs:
    • Element parameter: tag = tbody
    • Selenium action: extract table data
  3. Verify that the entire table data is stored as a list of lists.

Expected Outcome:#

  • The entire table's data should be extracted and stored correctly as a list of lists, where each inner list represents a row from the table.

Test Case for Scenario 2#


Ensure that the specific columns from the table are extracted correctly.

Steps to Perform:#

  1. Open a webpage that contains a table.
  2. Use the action with inputs:
    • Element parameter: tag = tbody
    • Optional parameter: column = 0:5
    • Selenium action: extract table data
  3. Verify that the specified columns are correctly extracted from the table and stored in the desired format.

Expected Outcome:#

  • Only the data from the specified columns is extracted, with each row containing data from those columns.

Data Format#


To extract table data, the following data format is used:

Step NameStep TypeStep Actions
Go To Webpageautomated[ [ ( 'go to link' , 'selenium action' , 'https://example.com/table' ) ] ]
Extract Table Dataautomated[ [ ( 'tag' , 'element parameter' , 'table' ) , ( 'extract table data' , 'selenium action' , 'my_table_data' ) ] ]
Tear Down Seleniumautomated[ [ ( 'tear down browser' , 'selenium action' , 'teardown' ) ] ]