Double click an Element


This action is used to double-click on a web element by identifying it using specific properties such as ID, class, type, or title. It locates the element based on these attributes and performs a double-click action.


Scenario 1#


Perform a double-click on the button
Test case link: TEST-7998 Perform a double-click on the button

Scenario Overview:#

A user needs to perform a double-click on a button or element on a webpage. This scenario demonstrates how to use the double-click action with specific element properties.

Steps to Follow:#

  1. Open a webpage containing a button or element.
  2. Identify the element using its attributes (e.g., id, class, name).
  3. Perform the double-click action on the identified element.
  4. Verify that the action is executed successfully (e.g., new content is displayed or the element is activated).


tagelement parameterbutton
idelement parametersignin
double clickselenium actiondouble click

Expected Result:#

  • A double-click is successfully performed on the identified element.

Common Errors and Fixes:#

  • Error: The double-click action does not work as expected.
    • Fix: Ensure that the correct element property (e.g., ID, class, or name) is used to identify the element and that the element is interactable.

Scenario 2#


Perform a double-click on the link
Test case link: TEST-8061 Perform a double-click on the link

Scenario Overview:#

A user wants to double-click a link with a specific attribute property. This scenario demonstrates how to use the double-click action based on the attribute.

Steps to Follow:#

  1. Open a webpage containing a link with a specific attribute value.
  2. Use the double-click action with the attribute value to identify the link.
  3. Verify that the link is double-clicked and that the expected behavior occurs, such as the link opening in a new tab.


tagelement parameterdiv
classelement parametercard-header
double clickselenium actiondouble click

Expected Result:#

  • The link is double-clicked, and the expected action is successfully triggered.

Common Errors and Fixes:#

  • Error: The link is not double-clicked.
    • Fix: Verify that the correct attribute value is used and that the element is visible and clickable.

Test Cases#

Test Case for Scenario 1#


Ensure that double-clicking the button works correctly.

Steps to Perform:#

  1. Open the webpage that contains the button.
  2. Use the action with inputs:
    • Element parameter: id = signin
    • Selenium action: double click
  3. Verify that the button is double-clicked and that the expected result occurs, such as new content being shown.

Expected Outcome:#

  • The button is successfully double-clicked, and any associated action, such as opening a menu or triggering a function, occurs.

Test Case for Scenario 2#


Ensure that double-clicking the link using the correct attribute value works as expected.

Steps to Perform:#

  1. Open a webpage containing a link with a specific attribute value.
  2. Use the action with inputs:
    • Element parameter: class = card-header
    • Selenium action: double click
  3. Verify that the link is double-clicked and that the expected behavior occurs, such as the link opening in a new tab.

Expected Outcome:#

  • The link is double-clicked, successfully triggering the expected action.

Data Format#


To double-click an element, the following data format is used:

Step NameStep TypeStep Actions
Go To Webpageautomated[ [ ( 'go to link' , 'selenium action' , '' ) ] ]
Double-Click by elementautomated[ [ ( 'id' , 'element parameter' , 'dblClick' ) , ( 'double click' , 'selenium action' , 'double click' ) ] ]
Tear Down Seleniumautomated[ [ ( 'tear down browser' , 'selenium action' , 'teardown' ) ] ]