Whitelist URLs/IPs for node
NodeChrome Driver (version > 114):
- googlechromelabs.github.io
- edgedl.me.gvt1.com
MS Edge Driver:
- msedgedriver.azureedge.net
Geckodriver (Firefox):
- api.github.com
- github.com
Python modules:
- pypi.org
- pypi.python.org
- files.pythonhosted.org
ServerDocker hub:
- auth.docker.io
- cdn.auth0.com
- login.docker.com
- hub.docker.com
- registry-1.docker.io
- production.cloudflare.docker.com
GitHub container registry:
- ghcr.io (the primary domain for the registry)
- raw.githubusercontent.com (used for downloading container layers)
- api.github.com (used for authentication and API calls)
- dl.github.com (used for downloading other package assets)
- gist.githubusercontent.com (used for potential gist-related content)
- docker.pkg.github.com