Whitelist URLs/IPs for node


  • Chrome Driver (version > 114):

    1. googlechromelabs.github.io
    2. edgedl.me.gvt1.com
  • MS Edge Driver:

    1. msedgedriver.azureedge.net
  • Geckodriver (Firefox):

    1. api.github.com
    2. github.com
  • Python modules:

    1. pypi.org
    2. pypi.python.org
    3. files.pythonhosted.org


  • Docker hub:

    1. auth.docker.io
    2. cdn.auth0.com
    3. login.docker.com
    4. hub.docker.com
    5. registry-1.docker.io
    6. production.cloudflare.docker.com
  • GitHub container registry:

    1. ghcr.io (the primary domain for the registry)
    2. raw.githubusercontent.com (used for downloading container layers)
    3. api.github.com (used for authentication and API calls)
    4. dl.github.com (used for downloading other package assets)
    5. gist.githubusercontent.com (used for potential gist-related content)
    6. docker.pkg.github.com