Switch Browser


This action allows switching between multiple browser instances by using their unique driver_id. When multiple browsers are open during automated testing, each instance is identified by its own driver_id, and this action enables users to switch control between them, allowing interaction with the desired browser without terminating existing sessions. It is particularly useful for managing multiple browser sessions within the same test.


Scenario 1#


Switch between two browser instances during a test

Sample test case: TEST-7983 Switch between two browser instances during a test

Scenario Overview:#

A user wants to interact with different browsers that are open simultaneously. This scenario demonstrates how to switch between two browser instances using their respective driver_id.

Steps to Follow:#

  1. Open multiple browser windows simultaneously.
  2. Assign a driver_id to each open browser instance.
  3. Use the "Switch browser" action to switch to the desired browser instance using its driver_id.
  4. Verify that the actions are performed in the correct browser window.


driver_idinput parameterdefault
switch browserselenium actionswitch browser

Expected Result:#

  • The browser context switches to the one specified by the provided driver_id. All subsequent actions will be executed within that browser window.

Common Errors and Fixes:#

  • Error: The specified driver_id does not exist.
    • Fix: Ensure that the correct driver_id is provided and that the corresponding browser window is active.