Wait for an Element to Appear


The "Wait for an Element to Appear" action ensures that a specific element becomes visible on a webpage within a set time limit. This action is particularly useful handling pages or dynamic content that may take time to load, as it ensures the test proceeds only when the desired element is visible. If the element appears within the specified duration, the action passes; otherwise, it fails.


Scenario 1#


Wait for a Button to Appear
Test case link: TEST-11418 Wait for an element to appear

Scenario Overview:#

Imagine a user navigates to a website where a button takes a few seconds to appear. The button is only visible after a short delay. This scenario demonstrates how to use the "Wait for an Element to Appear" action to ensure the button is visible before proceeding with the test.

Steps to Follow:#

  1. Navigate to the website's homepage.
  2. Use the "Wait for an Element to Appear" action to wait for the button to become visible.
  3. Verify that the button is visible and ready for interaction.


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Expected Result:#

  • The action successfully detects the button within the specified time.
  • The test proceeds without errors.

Common Errors and Fixes:#

  • Error: The button does not appear within the timeout period.
    • Fix: Verify the page load time and increase the wait duration if necessary.
  • Error: The identifier for the button is incorrect.
    • Fix: Ensure that the correct attributes, such as ID or class, are provided to identify the element.