Switch Browser Window/Tab


This action enables switching between browser tabs or windows using either their titles or index values. It facilitates efficient automation of navigation in multi-tab environments.


Scenario 1#


Switch to a browser tab using its title
Test case link: TEST-7986 Switch to a Browser Tab Using its Title

Scenario Overview:#

Imagine a user navigating multiple tabs who needs to switch to a specific tab by its title. This scenario demonstrates how to use the action to identify and switch to the desired tab using its full or partial title.

Steps to Follow:#

  1. Open multiple tabs in the browser, such as a search engine, an email client, and a social media site.
  2. Use the "Switch Browser Window or Tab" action with the tab title as input, such as "Facebook".
  3. Verify that the browser switches to the tab titled "Facebook".


  • Input:
    • Use the window title or *window title as the parameter.
    • Example: (window title, element parameter, Facebook).
    • Example: (*window title, element parameter, Facebook).

Expected Result:#

  • The browser switches to the tab that matches the provided title.
  • For partial matches, the browser switches to tabs that contain the provided string.

Common Errors and Fixes:#

  • Error: The tab does not switch to the desired window or tab.
    • Fix: Ensure that the tab title matches the input correctly. For partial matches, add * before the title.

Scenario 2#


Switch to a browser tab using its index value
Test case link: TEST-7986 Switch to a Browser Tab using its Index Value

Scenario Overview:#

A user cannot identify tabs by their titles but knows the tab order. This scenario demonstrates how to switch to a tab based on its index.

Steps to Follow:#

  1. Open multiple tabs in the browser.
  2. Use the "Switch Browser Window or Tab" action with the tab index as input, such as 2.
  3. Verify that the browser switches to the tab at index 2.


  • Input:
    • Use the window index as the parameter.
    • Example: (window index, element parameter, 0) (Switches to the first tab).
    • Example: (window index, element parameter, -1) (Switches to the most recently opened tab).

Expected Result:#

  • The browser switches to the tab at the specified index.
  • For index -1, the browser switches to the most recently opened tab.

Common Errors and Fixes:#

  • Error: Invalid index provided.
    • Fix: Ensure that the index is within the range of open tabs. Use -1 to switch to the last opened tab.

Test Cases#

Test Case for Scenario 1#


Ensure that switching to a tab by its title functions correctly.

Steps to Perform:#

  1. Open three tabs in the browser titled "Google", "YouTube" and "Facebook".
  2. Use the action with the input: window title as "Facebook".
  3. Verify that the browser switches to the tab titled "Facebook".

Expected Outcome:#

  • The browser switches to the tab titled "Facebook".
  • If partial matching (*window title) is used, the browser switches to the tab containing the matching string.

Test Case for Scenario 2#


Ensure that switching to a tab by its index functions correctly.

Steps to Perform:#

  1. Open three tabs in the browser:
    • The first tab contains a search engine.
    • The second tab contains an email client.
    • The third tab contains a social media page.
  2. Use the action with the input window index set to 2.
  3. Verify that the browser switches to the third tab (index starting at 0).

Expected Outcome:#

  • The browser successfully switches to the tab corresponding to the specified index (e.g., 2).

Additional Tips for this Action#

  • Use partial matching (*window title) if the exact title is unavailable or inconsistent.
  • When switching by index, note that indexing starts at 0.
  • Use index -1 to switch to the most recently opened tab.

Error Handling for Switch Window or Tab#

Common Problems and Their Fixes#

  1. Problem: The title of the tab does not match the provided input.
    Possible Cause: The title is incomplete, or partial matching is not being used.
    How to Fix: Use * before the title for partial matching (e.g., *title).

  2. Problem: The provided tab index is invalid.
    Possible Cause: The provided index is out of the valid range.
    How to Fix: Ensure that the index corresponds to an open tab.

  3. Problem: Tab switching fails because of page loading issues.
    Possible Cause: The target tab has not finished loading.
    How to Fix: Ensure that all tabs are fully loaded before switching.